Thanks for the comment on my old posts! I have been meaning to write an update but I've been so very busy but this was a good reminder to write.
A few weeks ago we received another referral for twins. This one looked really good. The medicals looked decent too. Basically no reason to turn this one down and I can't believe how quickly this all happened. I think I turned in the dossier toward the end of July.
So we're not really off just yet but we are getting ready to travel. We are leaving in just under two weeks to meet the kids! I looked at the top of my blog and it says we have been married for ten years. The day we leave Russia to come home is our eleventh anniversary. I love that and it feels so symbolic. We are feeling cautiously optimistic about the whole trip. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves so that we can evaluate as impartially as we can manage. That said, we are obviously excited. I was hoping our referral would come from Western Russia and the kids are in Stavropol. I don't know much about this region except that Gorbachov was born and raised there. It is a wine producing region and I think it is fairly agrarian.