Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I sent in the placement agreement today! I don't think it feels real yet.  According to the agency director we should start to look at referrals between 1-3 weeks after they receive the signed contract.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm getting ready to apply for the I-600A, Advance processing of orphan petition from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.  I was surprised to learn that we have to be fingerprinted for a background check.  The fingerprinting for the home study took several months to clear because our fingerprints are so bad.  I'm really not looking forward to having to go this again.  I'm seeing that dossier preparation may duplicate some of what we did already for the home study.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So I'm off to a slow start with this blog.  I did add some pictures of us and Bruno.  Today I was getting ready for Purim and baked hamantaschen. I am hoping to bake Moroccan Purim bread once we have our kids home.  Too much work for just the two of us.