Thursday, April 26, 2012

My friends have really come through for us.  So far I have a crib and a convertible crib waiting for us to pick up.  I think we will be able to furnish the room at least for pictures.  What a tremendous relief this is!  In other really good news, I put all the paperwork together for the I-600a immigration papers and they are on their way to Dallas. Now I can actually start on the dossier.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Passover is now over, everything is put away.  I am getting back to life.  This week I had a phone meeting with the dossier coordinator at the agency.  Now I could use some help.  Seriously.  Yes there are lots of documents to get and forms to fill out.  Most of that is busy work and is manageable.  Here's what I don't know how to do.  We have to take pictures of the house, fine.  We have to take a picture of the childrens' room with furniture in it.  Since we don't have a referral why would we buy furniture when we don't know what age child we will have?  I was planning on buying furniture, especially beds at the last minute.  My thoughts so far are to get some furniture from the thrift shop and check out rentals.  If any of you have experience, how did you handle this?

Monday, April 9, 2012

I received instructions for putting together the dossier just before Passover.  There was way too much to get accomplished for holiday so I didn't even look at the email. I just opened up the zip file and I am so overwhelmed by it!  I think what worries me most is that so many of the documents are only valid for a short period of time and I worry that some will expire before I finish the rest and I will have to do them all over again.  Any advice?